FreshBooks - Tax Time
Tax Time - Supplementary videos
We also created a number of supplementary videos to hit on for specific user and customer pain points for customers lower in the funnel. Conversion on these videos was very high, while the awareness video led to a nice about of brand equity in the tax preparation and accounting space.
Tax Time - Hero video
With tax time such a big time of year for business owners, FreshBooks is constantly positioning itself as a tax time solution to help business owners maintain tax-ready books. Here are a few of the videos created for some of those campaigns.
Tax Time - Humour
Injecting a bit of humour into the spots was essential as the content surrounding accounting and business finances can often be dry. The visual direction was also informed by this insight, which is why emoji use is so prominent as we achieved our goal of creating something relatable while making the connection to ease-of-use for the business owner.
Tax Time x Valentine’s Day Overlap
Below you’ll see how I took advantage of the overlap between tax time and Valentine’s Day, to keep the conversation going in an approachable, informative, and humourous way.